from bitsavers. simh decwars is 7.03
$Id: tops-10,v 1.10 2003/08/12 05:25:19 phil Exp $
TOPS-10 Evolution
Phil Budne <phil at>
date release(s) UUOSYM features
1964-66 1.4-1.9 PDP-6. DECtape only, 27 jobs (UFA, 1 bit per job)
12/1964 ? CALL (RESET, EXIT), but no CALLI?
1967 2.18 KA10 support, disk support, shuffler
1968 3.27 swapping, 36 jobs (using JFFO)
1969 4.50 dual segments
4.72 CCL (COMPIL, DIR command), 63 jobs
1970 5.01 "TOPS-10" name, Disk Service rewrite (Phase I)
1971 5.02 MPB (batch), RTTRP (real time),
Disk Service rewrite (phase II)
1972 5.03 1055 multiprocessor (dual KA)
5/1972? 5.04 3(67)? KI10 support
7/1972? 5.05 4(110)? 1077 support (dual KI)
11/1972 5.06 5(115) SFDs (subdirectories)
5/1974 5.07/6.01
7(163) KL support, VM, IPCF (interprocess communication)
5/1975 5.07A/6.01A
1975 6.02 11(225) 1088 support (dual KL), class sched, RH10 RP04/6
ENQ/DEQ (resource locking), Galaxy I (spooling)
DX10/TU7x support?
3/1977 6.03 12(336) MIC, ANF (PDP-10 comm network) FILDAE (file access daemon)
TTY ALTMODE; many ersatz devices; TM02/TU16
Unbundled options: DC44, VM, DAS78, XTCSER, TSKSER, ANF
2/1978 6.03LIR 13(367) "6.03 Scheduler LIR release"
11/1978 6.03A 13A(406) KLINIK LIR, scheduler LIR, 1091 LIR (MOS memory, RH20)
KS10 support; PATH logical names?
8/1979 7.00 14(457) SMP (limited) only released to SMP sites
7/1980 7.01 15(521) 1091 MOS support (TGHA); TSK., KDP., QUEUE., RECON.
5/1982 N/R 15A(547) GALAXY 4.1 (never field image); merged with 7.01A
7/1982 7.01A 15B(552) GALAXY 4.1
12/1983 7.02 16(773) DECnet-10 Phase III (w/ MCB); PITMR. ACCLG. CMAND. SAVE.
user defined commands; monitor can use KL paging
2/1985 7.02A 16(776) AP11; CI clisters (RA disks on HSC50); TU78
1/1986 7.03 17(1060) Ethernet (KLNI): DECnet Phase IV, LAT
job contexts (PUSH/POP); 8 bit character support
terminal "special character" handling
Monitor uses PSECTS, 6 letter stopcodes, GALAXY 5.1
User mode extended addressing. SYSTEM[MAILER] PID
obsolete: 2741, uk modems, half duplex terminals
Last update to UUOSYM revision history
6/1986 7.03A 17(1065) AP14
7/1986 7.03A 17(1067) AP16
1/1988 7.03A 17(1127) AP18
5/1988 7.03A 17(1135) AP19
7/1988 7.04 17(1137) Command line editing?
SA10 w/ 3330/3331
KS10 memory error table
terminal attributes
3/1989 7.04A? 17(1141) 7.04 autopatch tape 24; RM05
1/1990 7.04B? 17(1144) TSU01; ERRPT. obsolete; interval timer patch instructions
2/1990 ? 17(1145) on TOPS-20 v7.0 TSU02; VM gettabs
4/1990 ? 17(1146) on TOPS-20 v7.0 TSU03; ISO/LATIN-1