note the $ symbols in f and s commands are ‘esc’!

^ = first line
. = curr line
* = last line
esc = print prev, exit insert mode if inside
ctrl-j = print next
pln1:ln2 = print lines in range
iln1 = insert mode at ln1
cln1,ln2:ln3 = copy range to ln1
tln1,ln2:ln3 = move range to ln1
rln1:ln2 = delete range and insert at ln1
fstring$ln1:ln2 = find string in range
sstring1$string2$ln1:ln2 = substitute string in range
nx = renumber lines using step x
w = save
e = save and exit
es = save without line numbers
eq = exit without save
g = save and exit and rerun
ctrl-u = retype current line, any mode