Transfering files between simh and UNIX using K10MIT 3(136) This document describes how to transfer files back and forth between UNIX and TOPS-10 using kermit and the simh DZ11 terminal emulation support. Requirements: 1. a working copy of the simh pdp10 emulator ( 2. A copy of TOPS10 with K10MIT installed on it ( 3. A copy of C-Kermit ( Getting started: I am assuming that you have read all teh documentation for simh and for my TOPS-10 distribution so that you can now easily log in over telnet (if not try running set dz 8b at -am dz 2020 as part of the simh setup) Once you have the simh booting tops10 and tops10 listening ot port 202 for terminal connections. build the C-Kermit source on the UNIX machine and you will get a binary called wermit Execute the wermit binary to get a screen somewhat like this: C-Kermit 8.0.211, 10 Apr 2004, for Solaris 8 Copyright (C) 1985, 2004, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. Type ? or HELP for help. (/opt/home/talon/kermit/cobol/) C-Kermit> Type set host 2020 /raw-socket to connect to the emulator Example: (/opt/home/talon/kermit/cobol/) C-Kermit>set host ayeka 2020 /raw-socket DNS Lookup... Trying Reverse DNS Lookup... (OK) ayeka connected on port 2020 (/opt/home/talon/kermit/cobol/) C-Kermit> Type c to get to the login prompt Example: (/opt/home/talon/kermit/cobol/) C-Kermit>c Connecting to host ayeka:2020 Escape character: Ctrl-\ (ASCII 28, FS): enabled Type the escape character followed by C to get back, or followed by ? to see other options. ---------------------------------------------------- ��"�������� Connected to the PDP-10 simulator Hit return until you get a '.' character then type login public. Example: .login public Job 3 VNW TTY0 20:02 23-Oct-6 Monday . Run K10MIT to send/receive files on the tops-10 end Example (BEWARE be sure to type teh set file byte-size line unless you like transferring garbage instead of real data): .r k10mit TOPS-10 KERMIT version 3(136) Kermit-10>set file byte-size 36-bit Kermit-10> Downloading files from TOPS-10: Simply type send filename from the Kermit-10 prompt Uploading files to TOPS-10: This is a bit more involved make sure you are at the Kermit-10 prompt and type Receive filename You won't get a prompt back and it will just sit there. thats just what we want. The next step is to escape back into C-Kermit by typing Control-\c (hit control and \ and then type c and possibly a carrage return) You should now be back to the C-Kermit> prompt Example: (Back at ayeka) ---------------------------------------------------- (/opt/home/talon/kermit/cobol/) C-Kermit> once there its as simple as typing send filename finally to quit kermit go back to tops-10 and exit out of K10MIT, log out by typing kjob and then escape back to C-Kermit and type quit and say yes when it asks if you want to disconnect. As a final note you can actually transmit binarys back and forth and it works just fine. just be sure to set file byte-size 36-bit in Kermit-10> test.exe in this distribution makes a great test of this ability.