notes around understanding the folder reflecting utexas tape files. here’s an orbital level view
- utexas folder tries to reflect the primordial tape sent from utexas to compuserve
- utexas/etc are miscellaneous files. note especially the ‘important’ file decwar.imp, and the ‘tape listing’ file decwar.tap. these give a good picture of what the primordial tape was like.
- utexas/hlp are files used as part of building the game’s help system. note especially the ‘comments’ in hlp.com
- utexas/tec are teco files for extracting fortran from macro
- utexas/include are auto generated by teco. is it possible to revive this teco auto generation? for now, we’re also putting the four core ‘stub’ files here also. high.for, low.for, msg.mac, setmsg.mac. so they don’t distract in the main folder.
main folder
looking at decwar.imp, there’s kind of seven ‘core’ code files. these seven files are in the main folder, above the four subfolders. Files from which the GAM: files are derived: DECWAR.EXE:
HIGH.FOR Used to force common block into high segment.
LOW.FOR Used to force common block into low segment.
MSG.MAC Output text source.
SETUP.FOR Once only code, deleted from core after initialization.
SETMSG.MAC Equivalent to MSG.MAC for SETUP text strings.
the high.for and low.for are stubs. somewhat likewise for msg.mac and setmsg.mac. maybe the real challenge is understanding these three files.
in fact, at least for now, we’ll reflect that view by moving the other four into the ‘include’ subfolder.
tec folder, teco scripts
teco scripts are associated with include files
lowseg.tec -> lowseg.for
hiseg.tec -> hiseg.for
param.tec -> param.for
probably the scripts simply search through warmac.mac and pick out ‘variables’ that need to appear in the include for files. this can be done manually. if there’s an update to warmac.mac, include for files can be manually updated. the teco scripts probably just automate this, generating the include for ‘from scratch’. so it’s not a ‘must have’. can be done by hand. but possibly nice. and an interesting usage of teco.