time to try something a bit different. up till now, this project has mostly been about code - at first cpp, then mixed cpp and py, and recently all three side by side in parallel - py, cpp, and mixed. that could evolve and grow now to encompass something wider. part of what’s bringing this about is a better understanding that there’s two tools in hand now -

  • sphinx - this is about python. with python, it’s standard to do docstrings within the py code files. sphinx is simply a way to convert those into a static html website.
  • jekyll - this is effectively about github. with github, it’s standard to do markdown files within the project. jekyll is simply a way to convert those into a static html website.

project starid has been doing sphinx ‘docsascode/readthedocs’ for years. what’s new is - experimenting with a jekyll ‘project website’ as well. so two separate websites flowing out of the project - ‘docsascode/readthedocs’ via sphinx, ‘project website’ via jekyll.